lunes, 8 de octubre de 2007

Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests

Table of Contents

1 - Introduction to Normal Values (Reference Ranges)
2 - Critical Values
3 - Core Blood Analytes: Alterations By Diseases
4 - Urine
5 - Cardiovascular Diseases
6 - Respiratory Diseases
7 - Gastrointestinal Diseases
8 - Hepatobiliary Diseases and Diseases of the Pancreas
9 - Central and Peripheral Nervous System Disorders
10 - Musculoskeletal and Joint Diseases
11 - Hematology
12 - Metabolic and Hereditary Disorders
13 - Endocrine Diseases
14 - Genitourinary Diseases
15 - Infectious Diseases
16 - Autoimmune and Miscellaneous Diseases
17 - Disorders Due to Physical and Chemical Agents
18 - Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Drug Effects
19 - Body Substances

2 comentarios:

Jonathan dijo...

el link murio. Ojala puedan hacer algo al respecto. Muchas gracias por toda la info, unica en la blogosfera.

...L.G. dijo...

link muerto.. reactivenlo